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The archives : classic live broadcast recordings

The archives : classic live broadcast recordings

Auteur(s)Talking Heads

Titre(s)The archives : classic live broadcast recordings / Talking Heads.

Editeur(s)Golden Rain, 2017.

ContientArtists only. - Stay hungry. - Cities. - Paper. - Mind. - Heaven. - The book I read. - Electric guitar. - Air. - Warning sign. - Love goes to building on fire. - Memories can't wait. - Psycho killer. - Life during wartime. - Take me to the river. - Artists only. - Psycho killer. - Heaven. - Cities. - Big blue Plymouth (Eyes wide open). - Burning down the house. - Life during wartime. - Home (This must be the place ?). - Once in a lifetime. - Big business/I zimbra. - Houses in motion. - Genius of love. - Girlfriend is better. - Take me to the river. - The revolution. - Nothing but Flowers. - God's child. - Soft seduction. - Buck naked. - And she was. - Once in a lifetime. - The great intoxication. - Marching through the wilderness. - Sax and violins. - Dura Europus. - What a day that was. - Desconocido soy. - Like humans do. - U.B. Jesus. - Dream police. - I wanna dance with somebody (Who loves me). - The accident.


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/201801/0823564702827_thumb.jpg

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Source : Wikipédia
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  • Artists only
  • Stay hungry
  • Cities
  • Paper
  • Mind


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