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Auteur(s)Hendy, David (Auteur)

Titre(s)Noise : A human history of sound and listening / David Hendy.

Editeur(s)London : Profile Books Ltd, 2014.

RésuméPrehistoric drummers used natural acoustics to recreate natural sound. In classical Europe, orators turned the human voice into a lyrical instrument. In Buddhist temples, the icons' ears were exaggerated to represent their spiritual power. And in modern metropolises we are battered by the roar of sound that surrounds us. In the first narrative history of the subject which puts humans at its centre, and following the author's major BBC Radio 4 series Noise, acclaimed historian David Hendy describes the history of noise - which is also the history of listening.

NotesOriginally published: 2013. - Radio tie-in. - Includes bibliographical references and index.

Sujet(s)Noise Bruit ** Aspect social ** Histoire Sons ** Aspect social ** Histoire Ecoute (psychologie) ** Histoire


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