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Piano trios n° 1 and 2

Auteur(s)Chostakovitch, Dmitri Dmitrievitch (1906-1975) (Compositeur) ;Stockolm arts trio ;Soldh, Anita (Soprano)

Titre(s)Piano trios n° 1 and 2 : Seven romances on verses by Alexander Blok / Dmitri Dmitrievitch Chostakovitch ; Anita Soldh.

Editeur(s)HNH international, 1996.

ContientPiano trio n°1 in C minor op 8. - Piano trio n°2 in E minor op 67. - Andante- Moderato. - Allegro non troppo. - Largo. - Allegretto. - Seven romances on verses by Alexander Blok for Soprano and Piano trio op 127. - Ophelia's song. - Hamayun the prophetic bird.

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CDEn rayonSAINT-CLAR00370000023827Musique3 CHO


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