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Complete 1970's epic albums collection (The)

Complete 1970's epic albums collection (The)

Auteur(s)Clarke, Stanley (1951-...) (Musicien) ;Hammer, Jan (Musicien) ;Connors, Bill (Musicien) ;Williams, Tony (1945-1997) (Musicien) ;Gadd, Steve (1945-...) (Musicien) ;Corea, Chick (1941-...) (Musicien)

Titre(s)Complete 1970's epic albums collection (The) [enr. sonore] / Stanley Clarke, guit. basse ; Jan Hammer, synth. ; Bill Connors, guit. ; Tony Williams, batt... [et al.].

Editeur(s)Sony Music, 1974-1991.

ContientVulcan princess. - Yesterday princess. - Lopsy lu. - Power. - Spanish phases for strings and brass. - Life suite, part 1. - Life suite, part 2. - Life suite, part 3. - Life suite, part 4. - Silly putty. - Journey to love. - Hello Jeff. - Song to John (Part 1). - Song to John (Part 2). - Concerto for jazz/rock orchestra. - School days. - Quiet afternoon. - The dancer. - Desert song. - Hot fun. - Life is just a game. - Opening (Statement). - He lives on (Story about the last journey of a warrior). - More hot fun. - Slow dance. - Interlude : a serious occasion. - Got to find my own place. - Dayride. - Interlude : It's what she didn't say. - Modern man. - Interlude : a relaxed occasion. - Rock'n'roll jelly. - Closing (Statement). - Rock'n'roll jelly. - All about. - Jamaican boy. - Christopher Ivanhoe. - My greatest hits. - Strange weather. - I wanna play for you. - Just a feeling. - The streets of Philadelphia. - School days. - Quiet afternoon. - Together again. - Blues for Mingus. - Off the planet. - Hot fun closing. - School days (Live). - Lopsy lu (Live). - Quiet afternoon (Live). - Silly putty (Live). - Dayride (Live). - Bass folk song N°3 (Live). - The magician (Live). - Desert song (Live). - Vulcan princess (Live).

RésuméCe coffret démontre la force du talent du musicien américain aussi bien à la basse acoustique qu'à la basse électrique.

NotesJazz Magazine No.650 p.64 du 04/06/2013. 1/1.

Sujet(s)Jazz-Rock et apparentés, jazz fusion


Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com//upload/albums/201304/0886979312227_thumb.jpg

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  • Vulcan princess
  • Yesterday princess
  • Lopsy lu
  • Power
  • Spanish phases for strings and brass
  • Vulcan princess
  • Yesterday princess
  • Lopsy lu
  • Power
  • Spanish phases for strings and brass


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