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Monsieur Gainsbourg revisited. Songs of S. Gainsbourg revisited by some of today's most influential artists

Auteur(s)Gainsbourg, Serge (1928-1991)

Titre(s)Monsieur Gainsbourg revisited. Songs of S. Gainsbourg revisited by some of today's most influential artists.

Editeur(s)Barclay, P 2006.

Contienta song for Sorry angel/ F. Ferdinand. - I love you /Cat Power. - I just came to tell you that I'm going/J.Cooker. - Requiem for Anna/Portishead. - Requiem for a jerk /Fautline, Molko & F. Hardy. - l'hotel/ M. Stipe. - au revoir Emmanuel/Tricky. - Lola R for ever/Faithfull. - Boomerang 2005/Gonzales Feist & Dani. - boy toy/Almond. - the ballad of Melody Nelson/Placebo. - just a man with a job/Rakes. - I call it art/Kills. - those little things/C. Bruni.


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Source : Wikipédia
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