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Ella Fitzgerald sings the Duke Ellington song book

Auteur(s)Fitzgerald, Ella (1917-1996) ;Ellington, Duke (1899-1974) ;Webster, Ben ;Peterson, Oscar (1925-2007)

Titre(s)Ella Fitzgerald sings the Duke Ellington song book / Ella Fitzgerald.

Editeur(s)Polygram, P 1988.

ContientCD 1 : Rockin in rhythm. - drop me of in Harlem. - day dream. - caravan. - take the "a train". - I ain't got nothing but the blues. - Clementine. - I didn't know about you. - I'm beginning to see the light. - lost in meditation. - Perdido. - cottontail. - do nothing till you hear from me. - CD 2 : just a sittin' and a rockin'. - solitude. - rocks inmy bed. - satin doll. - sophisticated lady. - just squeeze me. - it don't mean a thing (if it ain't got that swing)azure. - I let a song go out of my heart. - in a sentimental mood. - don't get around much anymore. - prelude. - mood indigo. - in a mellow stone. - love you madly. - lush life. - squatty roo. - CD 3 :I'm just a lucky so and so. - all too soon. - everything but you. - I got it bad and that ain't good. - bli-blip. - Chelsea bridge. - portrait of Ella Fitgerald. - the E and blues.

Sujet(s)Jazz vocal : Phonogramme


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