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Porgy and Bess

Auteur(s)Armstrong, Louis (1901-1971) ;Fitzgerald, Ella (1917-1996) ;Gershwin, George (1898-1937) ;Garcia, Russell ;Opera--phonogramme

Titre(s)Porgy and Bess / Louis Armstrong ; E.Fitzgerald.

Editeur(s)Verve records, P 1958.

ContientA woman is a sometime thing. - It ain't necessarily so. - Overture. - Summertime. - Bess, you is my women now. - I wants to stay here. - What you want wid Bess ?. - My man's gone now. - Oh, Doctor Jesus. - Medley : Here come de honey man - Crab man - Oh, Dey's so fresh and fine (Strawberry woman). - I got plenty o'nuttin'. - Buzzard song. - Bess, Oh where's my Bess ?. - There's a boat dat's leavin' soon for New York. - Oh Lawd, I'm on my way. - what you want wild Bess?. - Medley : here come De honey man, crab man, Oh Dey's so fresh and fine (stawberry woman). - there's a boat da't leavin'soon for New-York. - Bess oh wheree's my Bess?.

Sujet(s)Voix : Jazz- phonogramme Jazz classique Jazz vocal (musique)

Indice(s)1.30 ; 1.3

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDPrêtéMD325023940071Musique1.3 ARM
CDPrêtéMGA50059401 FIT 30


Source : Wikipédia
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