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Give the people what they want

Give the people what they want

Auteur(s)Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings (Musicien)

Titre(s)Give the people what they want [enr. sonore] / Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings, ens. voc. & instr.

Editeur(s)Daptone Records, 2014.

ContientRetreat !. - Stranger to my happiness. - We get along. - You'll be lonely. - Now I see. - Making up and breaking up (And making up and breaking up over again). - Get up and get out. - Long time, wrong time. - People don't get what they deserve. - Slow down, love.

NotesRock & Folk No.558 p.82 du 20/01/2014. 3/5. - RollingStone No.61 p.85 du 18/02/2014. 4/5. - Inrockuptibles No.953 p.92 du 05/03/2014. 4/5. - France Inter : Erudit Doudam de janvier 2014. 20/20.

Sujet(s)Soul-funk, soul psychédélique, P-funk


Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com//upload/albums/201311/0823134003224_thumb.jpg

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  • Retreat !
  • Stranger to my happiness
  • We get along
  • You'll be lonely
  • Now I see
  • Retreat !
  • Stranger to my happiness
  • We get along
  • You'll be lonely
  • Now I see


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