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Jamaica folk trance possession

Titre(s)Jamaica folk trance possession [enr. sonore] : roots of Rastafari, 1939-1961 / Bruno Blum, réal.

Editeur(s)Frémeaux & Associés, 2013.

ContientLinstead Market/Sweet Charlie. - Kette drum suite. - Kumina drumming. - Kumina bailo. - Kumina country song with drums 3. - Kumina country song with drums parts 1 & 2. - Finger dem. - Mornin' back. - Ring play 1. - Ring play 2. - John canoe music. - Uplifting table 1. - Uplifting table 2. - Uplifting table 3. - Preparation for baptism table 1. - Preparation for baptism table 2. - Preparation for baptism table 3. - Church dedication service. - Revivalist week day service 1. - Revivalist week day service 2. - Sunday evening service 1. - Sunday night service 2. - Zion chorus. - Zion chorus and blowing parts 1 & 2. - Zion chorus. - Zion groaning. - Pukkumina prayer & chorus. - Pukkumina 3 cymbals. - Pukkumina cymbal. - We are going home. - King so high. - Rock a man soul. - Chubby. - Jamaican alphabet. - Me want me daughter. - Dip dem. - Missa ramgoat. - Judy drownded. - Chi chi bud. - Towns of jamaica. - Mama me wan fe work. - Me nuh go back. - Back to back. - Sly Mongoose. - CD 1 : Linstead Market/Sweetie Charlie / Nina McKinney ; Randolph Williams ; Ida James. - Kette drum suite / Pacomania Congregation. - Kumina drumming / Kumina Congregation. - Kumina bailo / Kumina Congregation. - Kumina country song with drums 3 / Kumina Congregation. - Kumina country song with drums parts 1 & 2 / Kumina Congregation. - Finger dem [chant de travail]. - Mornin' back [chant de travail]. - Ring play 1 / Kumina Congregation. - Ring play 2 / Kumina Congregation. - John Canoe Music / John Canoe Congregation. - Uplifting table 1 / Revival Zion Congregation. - Uplifting table 2 / Revival Zion Congregation. - Uplifting table 3 / Revival Zion Congregation. - Preparation for baptism table 1 / Revival Zion Congregation. - Preparation for baptism table 2 / Revival Zion Congregation. - Preparation for baptism table 3 / Revival Zion Congregation. - Church dedication service / Revival Zion Congregation. - Revivalist week day service 1 / Revival Zion Congregation. - Revivalist week day service 2 / Revival Zion Congregation. - Sunday evening service 1 / Mother Gardner & Revival Zion Congregation. - Sunday night service 2 / Revival Zion Congregation. - CD 2 : Zion chorus / Revival Zion Congregation. - Zion chorus and blowing parts 1 & 2 / Revival Zion Congregation. - Zion chorus / Revival Zion Congregation. - Zion groaning / Revival Zion Congregation. - Pukkumina prayer & chorus / Pukkumina Congregation. - Pukkumina 3 cymbals / Pukkumina Congregation. - Pukkumina cymbal / Pukkumina Congregation. - We are going home / Ras Tafari Youth Group. - King so high / Ras Tafari Youth Group. - Rock a man soul / The Mellow Cats W / Count Osie & the Wareikas. - Chubby / The Mellow Cats W / Count Osie Afro Combo. - Jamaican alphabet / Louise Bennett. - Me want me daughter / Louise Bennett. - Dip dem / Louise Bennett. - Missa ramgoat / Edric Connor and the Caribbeans. - Judy drownded / Edric Connor and the Caribbeans. - Chi chi bud / Louise Bennett. - Towns of jamaica / Louise Bennett. - Mama me wan fe work / The Frats Quintet. - Me nuh go back / Harold Richardson. - Back to back / Zombie Jamboree / Lord Foodoos. - Sly Mongoose / Count Lasher.

NotesTrad Magazine No.151 p.94 du 23/08/2013. 4/4.

Sujet(s)Musique du monde : Jamaïque Jamaïque (musique) Reggae (musique) Antilles anglophones (musique) Antilles : musique

Indice(s)052 ; 9.88 1

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