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Benny Goodman

Auteur(s)Goodman, Benny (Interprète)

Titre(s)Benny Goodman. Vol:1 / Benny Goodman.

Editeur(s)Planet media & entertainment, 2000.

Collection(s)(2 X).

ContientDon't be that way. - Why don't you do right. - You turned the tables on me. - Bid John's special. - Moonglow. - Solo flyght. - Taking a chance on love. - I let a song go out of my heart. - When Buddha smiles. - King porter stomp. - Stardust. - Clarinet a la king. - I know that you know. - Darn the dream. - And the angels sing. - Topsy. - Someday sweetheart. - It's been so long. - Perfidia. - Goodbye.


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonSAMATAN03201000133661Musique1.3 GOO


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