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Yiddish, hebrew & klezmer, anthologie of jewish music = Anthologie de musique juive

Auteur(s)Viteazul, Mihal ;Solinski, Josef ;Belf's Rumanian Orchestra ;Abe Elengrig's Yidishe Orchestra ;Moskowitz, Joseph ;Orchestra Romaneasca ;Leibovitz, Max ;Miziganoff, Mishka ;Schwartz, Abe ;Brandwein, Naftule ;Choisidl, Bessarabier ;Kandels' Orchestra ;Art Shryer's Modern Jewish Orchestra ;Loseph Cherniavsky's Yiddish-American Band ;Russkyj Orkestr "Moskva" ;Lebedeff, Aron ;Moishe Oysher and Florence Weiss ;Dave Tarras Trio ;Yiddish Swing Orchestra ;Lou Lockett's Orchestra ;Sam Misiker Orchestra

Titre(s)Yiddish, hebrew & klezmer, anthologie of jewish music = Anthologie de musique juive / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Recording Arts SA, 2007.

ContientCD 1 (1905-1924) : Doina un Sirba / Mihal Viteazul. - Orientalishe Motive II / Josef Solinski. - Bessarabian Hora / Belf's Rumanian Orchestra. - Rumanian Fantasy IV / Josef Solinski. - Yikhes / Belf's Rumanian Orchestra. - Simkhas Toyre / Belf's Rumanian Orchestra. - Fon der Choope / Abe Elengrig's Yidishe Orchestra. - Buhusher Khusid / Joseph Moskowitz. - Ai Roci Ku Ne Draci / Orchestra Romaneasca. - Doina / Joseph Moscowitz. - Yiddish Hora - A heymish freylekhs / Max Leibovitz. - Odessa Bulgar / Mishka MiZiganoff. - National Hora I / Abe Schwartz. - Rumenishe Doina / Naftule Brandwein. - Naftile Shpilt far dem Rebn / Naftule Brandwein. - Tanz A Freilachs / Abe Schwartz Orchestra. - Der Ziser Bulgar / Naftule Brandwein. - Bessarabier Choisidl. - Der Heisser / Naftule Brandwein Orchestra. - Die Chasidim Forren Tsum Rebbin / Kandels' Orchestra. - CD 2 (1924-1952) : Dancing with the bride / Art Shryer's Modern Jewish Orchestra. - Yiddisher march / Loseph Cherniavsky's Yiddish-American Band. - A laibediga honga [New-York, 1925] / Kandel's Orchestra. - Dem trisker rebbin's chosid [New-York, 1925] / Art Shryer's Orchestra. - Naftile, shpil es nokh amol / Naftule Brandwein. - Strelotcheck [New-York, 1926] / Russkyj Orkestr "Moskva". - A rumenisher nign [New-York, 1927] / Dave Tarras. - Erinerung fun kishenev [New-York, 1927] / Abe Katzman's Bessarabian Orchestra. - Kinos, tkios un ashrei [New-York, 1927] / Boibriker Kapelle. - Zapfenstreich [New-York, 1928]. - Grichisher tanz [New-York, 1929] / Mishkta Tsiganoff. - A dance for everyone [New-York, 1929] / Abe Schwartz's Orchestra. - A yid bin ich geboire [New-York, 1929] / Michi Michalesco. - Dem rebens tanz [New-York, 1929] / Art Shryer's Orchestra. - What can you mach ? S'is America [New-York, 1929] / Aron Lebedeff. - Chasidic in America [New-York, 1938] / Moishe Oysher and Florence Weiss. - Branas Hassene [New-York, 1941 / Dave Tarras Trio. - Bridegroom special [New-York, 1940] / Yiddish Swing Orchestra. - Freilachs [New-York, 1946] / Lou Lockett's Orchestra. - Der fetter Max's bulgar [New-York, 1952] / Sam Misiker Orchestra.

Sujet(s)Juif (peuple) : musique


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