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http://www.gamannecy.com//upload/albums/201203/0600753383001_thumb.jpgGAM CD

Auteur(s)Peiffer, Bernard (Pianos) ;Puma, Joe (Guitare) ;Pettiford, Oscar (Contrebasse) ;Andrus, Chuck (Contrebasse) ;Thigpen, Ed (Batterie) ;Stauffer, Al (Contrebasse) ;Paxson, Jimmy (Batterie) ;Nemeth, Gus (Contrebasse) ;Segal, Jerry (Batterie) ;Jones, Billy (Batterie)

Titre(s)Improvision / Bernard Peiffer.

Editeur(s)Universal Music, 2012.

Collection(s)(Jazz in Paris ; 07).

ContientCD 1 BERNIE'S TUNE : Lover, come back to me. - You took advantage of me. - Rhumblues. - 'S wonderful. - Black moon. - Ah-leu-cha. - Blues in the wing. - Bernie's tune. - Lullaby of the leaves. - Blues for slobs. - LIVE AT THE CHERRY HILL INN : Yesterdays. - One for Helen. - A night in Tunisia. - Lullaby of birdland. - CD 2 MODERN JAZZ : Rondo. - Poem for a lonely child. - Tired blues. - Lafayette nous voici. - Strip tease. - Exodus. - NPR RADIO PROGRAM : Perfect storm. - LIVE FROM GLASSBORO STATE UNIVERSITY : Rondo. - Mexican jazz waltz. - Poem for a lonely child.

Notes"Bernie's tune" : enregistré le 11 avril 1956, New York. "Live at The Cherry Hill Inn" : enregistré le 12 octobre 1972, New Jersey. "Modern Jazz for people who like original music" : enregistré en 1959, New York. "NPR radio program" : enregistré en 1972 aux Studios NPR, Philadelphie. "Live from Glassboro State University" : enregistré en 1976, New Jersey.

Sujet(s)Piano (interprète) : jazz Piano (musique)

Indice(s)1.40 ; 1.30 ; 1.50

Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com//upload/albums/201203/0600753383001_thumb.jpg

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