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Roll your money maker : Early black rock'n'roll, 1948 - 1958

Auteur(s)Ike Turner's Kings of Rhythm ;Howlin'Wolf ;James, Etta ;Shakey Jake ;Lazy Lester ;Thomas, Rufus ;Moses, John J ;Williams, Andre ;Brown, Ruth ;Davis, Wild Bill ;Bill Davis Trio ;Big Maybelle ;Watson, Johnny Guitar ;Turner, Ike ;Slim Harpo ;Rush, Otis ;Tharpe, Sister Rosetta ;Billy The Kid Emerson ;Diddley, Bo ;Cole, Ann ;The Suburbans ;Magic Sam ;Berry, Chuck ;Stone, Jesse ;Tex, Joe ;Parker, Junior

Titre(s)Roll your money maker : Early black rock'n'roll, 1948 - 1958 / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Indigo, 2008.

ContientIke Turner's Kings of Rhythm / You've got to lose. - Howlin' Wolf / You gonna wreck my life. - Etta James / W-O-M-A-N. - Shakey Jake / Roll your moneymaker. - Lazy Lester / Sugar coated love. - Rufus Thomas / Tiger man. - John J. Moses / Night out. - Andre Williams / I'm going down to Tijuana. - Ruth Brown / Please don't freeze. - Bill Davis Trio / Bring the money in. - Big Maybelle / Don't leave poor me. - Johnny Guitar Watson / Space guitar. - Ike Turner / She made my blood run cold. - Slim Harpo / I got love if you want it. - Otis Rush / Keep on loving me baby. - Sister Rosetta Tharpe / Jericho. - Billy the Kid Emerson / If lovin' is believing. - Bo Diddley / Heart-o-matic love. - Ann Cole with The Suburbans / Got my mojo working. - Magic Sam / 21 days in jail. - Chuck Berry / Deep feeling. - Jesse Stone / Crawfish. - Joe Tex / Pneumonia. - Junior Parker / Love my baby.


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