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Two of a mind

Auteur(s)Desmond, Paul (Saxophones) ;Mulligan, Gerry (Saxophones) ;Beal, John (Contrebasse) ;Benjamin, Joe (Contrebasse) ;Marshall, Wendell (Contrebasse) ;Hall, Jim (Guitare) ;Kay, Connie (Batterie) ;Lewis, Mel (Batterie) ;Shaughnessy, Ed (Batterie)

Titre(s)Two of a mind / Desmond Paul.

Editeur(s)Rca Victor, 1962.

ContientAll the things you are. - Stardust. - Two of a mind. - Blight of the fumble bee. - The way you look tonight. - Out of nowhere. - BONUS TRACKS : Easy living. - All the things you are. - The way you look tonight. - Untitled blues waltz. - Untitled blues waltz.

Sujet(s)Cool (jazz)


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