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Talvin Singh presents "Anokha : Soundz of the asian underground"

Auteur(s)Singh, Talvin ;State of Bengal ;Lelonek ;Future Soundz of India ;Rahman, A.R ;Equal I ;Osmani Soundz ;The Milky Bar Kid ;Kingsuk Biswas

Titre(s)Talvin Singh presents "Anokha : Soundz of the asian underground" / Collectif ; Singh Talvin.

Editeur(s)Island Records Ltd., 1997.

ContientJaan (feat. Amar). - Flight IC408 / State of Bengal. - Kizmet / Lelonek. - Shang high / Future Soundz of India. - Chittagong chill / State of Bengal. - Mumbai theme tune / Rahman A.R. - Distant God (feat. Leone). - Heavy intro (feat. Amar). - Equation / Equal I. - Spiritual master key / Osmani Soundz. - Accepting trankuility / The Milky Bar Kid. - K-Ascendant / Kingsuk Biswas.

Sujet(s)Musique électronique Drum'n'bass (musique)

Indice(s)2.86 ; 2.88

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