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Come get it, I got it

Auteur(s)Holmes, David ;Rodriguez, Sixto ;Muddy Waters ;The Johnny Otis Show ;Garvin, Rex ;The Mighty Cravers ;Alexander, Harold ;The Free Association ;Bryant, Ray ;Neville, Cyril ;A Fascinating Musical Experience ;Jujus ;Adams, Betty ;The Staple Singers ;Jones, "Little" Johnny ;The King Casuals ;Mehler's, Valentin ;The Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra ;Perry, André

Titre(s)Come get it, I got it / Holmes David.

Editeur(s)13 Amp Recordings Ltd, 2002.

ContientIntro. - Sugarman / Rodriguez Sixto. - Nobody. - Tom Cat / Waters Muddy. - Country girl / The Johnny Otis Show. - Strange happenings / Garvin Rex / The Mighty Cravers. - Mama soul / Alexander Harold. - Don't mess hair / The Free Association. - Up above the rock / Bryant Ray. - Gossip / Neville Cyril. - The monster / A Fascinating Musical Experience. - Sweet songs / Jujus. - Make it real (Ride on) / Adams Betty. - Why ? (Am I treated so bad) / The Staple Singers. - Salut la dolce vita, part 1 / The Free Association. - House music / The Free Association. - Purple haze / Jones Johnny / The King Casuals. - Salut la dolce vita, part 2 / The Free Association. - Herbstplatte '69 / Mehler's Valentin. - Stars ans rockets / The Peter Thomas Sound Orchestra. - Ode à l'affaire / Perry André. - Sounds phoney / The Free Association. - Don't believe a word / The Free Association.


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