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Studio One Ska

Auteur(s)Mittoo, Jackie ;Boothe, Ken ;Cole, Stranger ;The Wailers ;The Skatalites ;Alphonso, Roland ;Higgs, Joe ;Wilson, Delroy ;McCook, Tommy ;Tommy McCook's orchestra ;The Ethiopians ;The Maytals ;Drummond, Don ;Andy & Joey

Titre(s)Studio One Ska / Collectif.

Editeur(s)12 Ingestre Place) : Soul Jazz Records, 2004.

ContientEl bang bang / Mittoo Jackie. - Arte bella / Boothe Ken / Cole Stranger. - (I'm gonna) Put it on / The Wailers. - Addis ababa / The Skatalites. - President Kennedy / Alphonso Roland. - (I'm the) Song my enemies sing / Higgs Joe. - Beardsman ska / The Skatalites. - I want justice / Wilson Delroy. - Sampson / Tommy McCook's orchestra. - I'm gonna take over now / The Ethiopians. - Freedom sounds / McCook Tommy. - marching on / The Maytals. - Exodus / The Skatalites. - Look away ska / Alphonso Roland. - Don cosmic / Drummond Don. - Scambalena / Alphonso Roland. - You're wondering now / Andy & Joey.

Sujet(s)Reggae (musique) Ska (musique)


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Source : Wikipédia
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