

  M É D I A G E R S


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To be or not to be

Auteur(s)Bee Gees

Titre(s)To be or not to be / Bee Gees.

Editeur(s)The Magnum Music Group, 1995.

ContientThe three kings of love. - The battle of the blue and grey. - Take hold of that star. - Claustrophobia. - Could it be. - Turn around look at me. - Theme from Jamie McPheeters. - You wouldn't know. - How many birds. - Big chance. - I don't think it's funny. - How love was true. - Glasshouse. - Everyday I have to cry. - Wine and women. - Follow the wind. - I was a lover. - And the children laughing. - I want home. - Spicks and specks. - I am the world. - Playdown. - I don't know why I bother myself. - Monday's rain. - To be or not to be. - Second hand people.


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CDEn rayonMGA50055402 BEE 20


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