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Les géants du jazz Vol.2 cd 5

Auteur(s)Braff, Ruby ;Hines, Earl ;Grappelli, Stéphane ;Pettiford, Oscar ;Powell, Bud ;Clayton, Buck ;Turner, Joe ;Cole, Nat "King" ;Rich, Buddy ;Gordon, Dexter ;Tate, Buddy ;Braff, Ruby ;Stitt, Sonny ;Freeman, Bud

Titre(s)Les géants du jazz Vol.2 cd 5 / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Da music.

Collection(s)(Les géants du jazz).

ContientTake the 'A' train / Braff Ruby / Tate Buddy. - Over the rainbow / Hines Earl / Grappelli Stéphane. - There will never be another you / Pettiford Oscar. - Just you, just me / Powell Bud / Hawkins Coleman. - I can't get started with you / Clayton Buck / Turner Joe. - Kicks / Cole Nat "King" / Rich Buddy. - I guess I'll have to hang my tears out to dry / Gordon Dexter / Drew Kenny. - Please don't talk about me when I'm gone / Tate Buddy / Braff Ruby. - Stardust / Stitt Sonny / Bishop Walter. - Chicago / Freeman Bud.


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