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The Goldberg variations : d'après J.S. Bach arrangées, adaptées par Uri Caine

Auteur(s)Caine, Uri (Pianos) (Clavecin) (Claviers) ;Ghielmi, Vittorio (Violes) ;Jochem De La Rosée, Arno (Violes) ;Plunkett, Paul (Trompette) ;Siedel, Annegret (Violon) ;Hübner, Gregor (Violon) ;Kettwiger Bach Ensemble ;Moss, David ;Bowman, Dean ;DJ Logic ;Alessi, Ralph (Trompette) ;Byron, Don (Clarinette) ;Peterson, Ralph (Batterie) ;Roseman, Josh (Trombone) ;Stewart, Bob (Tuba) ;Köln String Quartet (Cordes) ;Freimuth, Michael (Luth) ;Gress, Drew (Contrebasse) ;Osby, Greg (Saxophones) ;Quartetto Italiano da Gamba (Violes) ;Walker, Barbara ;Washington, Reggie (Guitare basse) ;Genus, James (Guitare basse) ;Anderson, Reid (Contrebasse) ;Reynolds, Todd (Violon) ;Bermudez, Marco ;Cardona, Milton (Percussions) ;Braga, Paulo (Batterie) ;Cantuaria, Vinicius ;Dj Olive (Asch Gregor dit) ;Reiter, Jörg (Accordeons) ;Morris, Tracie ;Alessi, Liz (Basson Contrebasson) ;Reijseger, Ernst (Violoncelle)

Titre(s)The Goldberg variations : d'après J.S. Bach arrangées, adaptées par Uri Caine / Caine Uri.

Editeur(s)Winter and Winter, 2000.

ContientCD 1 : Aria - Variation 1 - Variation 2 - The introitus variation - The dig it variation - Logic's invention - The stuttering variation - Variation 3, canon at the unison - The hot 6 variation - Variation 5 [+ 8] - Rachmaninoff - The Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyade variation - Vivaldi - Variation for saxophone & piano - Variation 4 - The waltz variation - The carol variation - Variation 6, canon at the 2nd - The stomp variation - The nobody knows variation - Canon at the 3rd in 3/4 - Variation 7, gigue - Variation 9, canon at the 3rd - Variation 10, fughetta - Variation 11 - Variation for violin & piano - Variation 12, canon at the 4th - Variation 13 - The hallelujah variation - The Verdi piano duet variation - Luther's nightmare variation - Canon at the 6th in 6/4 - The jaybird lounge variation - Variation 14 - Variation 15, canon at the 5th - The contrapunto variation - Variation for piano solo N°1 - Canon at the 5th in 5/4 - The chorale variation. - CD 2 : Overture - Don's variation - Variation for Vinicius - Olive's remix - The I poem variation - Variation 17 - Variation 18, canon at the 6th - Mozart - Canon at the 7th in 7/4 - The tango variation - The boxy variation - Variation 19 - Variation 21, canon at the 7th - The wedding march variation [for Ralph & Liz] - Variation 22 - Variation for gamba quartet - Canon at the 4th in 4/4 - Variation for piano solo N°2 - Variation on B.A.C.H. - Variation for cello solo - Händel - Variation 23 - Variation 25 - Variation 26 - Variation 29 - Variation 30 quodlibet - Variation 30 quodlibet / The drinking party - Logic's organ prelude - The blessings variation - Aria - The eternal variation.

Sujet(s)Open jazz (musique) Jazz fusion (musique)

Indice(s)1.90 ; 1.71

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