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Frank Zappa's 200 motels

Auteur(s)Zappa, Frank (Auteurs/Compositeurs) ;The Mothers Of Invention (Auteurs/Compositeurs) ;Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (Ens. instrumental) ;Palmer, Tony

Titre(s)Frank Zappa's 200 motels / Zappa Frank ; The Mothers Of Invention.

Editeur(s)Rykodisc, 1971.

ContientCD 1 : Semi-fraudulent / Direct-from-Hollywood overture. - Mystery roach. - Dance of the rock & roll interviewers. - This town is a sealed tuna sandwich (prologue). - Tuna fish promenade. - Dance of the just plain folks. - This town is a sealed tuna sandwich (reprise). - The sealed tuna bolero. - Lonesome cowboy Burt. - Touring can make you crazy. - Would you like a snack ?. - Redneck eats. - Centerville. - She painted up her face. - Janet's big dance number. - Half a dozen provocative squats. - Mysterioso. - Shove it right in. - Lucy's seduction of a bored violonist & postlude. - CD 2 : I'm stealing the towels. - Dental hygiene dilemma. - Does this kind of life look interesting to you ?. - Daddy, daddy, daddy. - Penis dimension. - What will this evening bring me this morning. - A nun suit painted on some old boxes. - Magic fingers. - Motorhead's midnight ranch. - Dew on the newts we got. - The lad searches the night for his newts. - The girl wants to fix him some broth. - The girl's dream. - Little green scratchy sweaters & Courduroy Ponce. - Strictly genteel (The finale). - Cut 1 "Coming soon!...". - Cut 2 "The wide screen erupts...". - Cut 3 "Coming soon!...". - Cut 4 "Frank Zappa's 200 Motels...". - Magic fingers (Single edit). - Enhanced track : original theatrical trailer.

Sujet(s)Rock experimental Rock progressif (musique)


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