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Auteur(s)Cave, Nick (1957-...) (Compositeur) ;Ellis, Warren (1968-...) (Compositeur) ;Zandt, Townes Van (Artiste de spectacle) ;Hubbard, Ray Wylie (Artiste de spectacle) ;Jennings, Waylon (1937-2002) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Wall, Colter (Artiste de spectacle) ;Biram, Scott H (Artiste de spectacle) ;Stapleton, Chris (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Comancheria [enr. sonore] : BO du film de David MacKenzie / Nick Cave.

ContientComancheria. - Dollar bill blues / Townes Van Zandt. - Mama's room / Ray Wylie Hubbard. - Dust of the chase. - Texas midlans. - Robbery. - You aks me to / Waylon Jennings. - Mountain lion mean. - Sleeping on the blacktop / Colter Wall. - From my cold dead hands. - Lord of the plains. - Blood, sweat, and murder / Scott H. Biram. - Casino. - Comancheria II. - Outlaw state of mind / Chris Stapleton.

Sujet(s)Bof (bande originale de film)


Lien : http://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/ws/wsgetimg.php?N=a0WG1159&C=4622&D=996458&A=16490&W=300&F=1.jpg

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDPrêtéMD325229970071Musique6.1 CAV


Source : Wikipédia
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  • http://www.cvs-mediatheques.com/home/songex/0/458/996458/996458_1_1_x.mp3
  • Dollar bill blues
  • Mama's room
  • Dust of the chase
  • Texas midlans
  • Robbery
  • You aks me to
  • Mountain lion mean
  • Sleeping on the blacktop
  • From my cold dead hands
  • Lord of the plains
  • Blood, sweat, and murder
  • Casino
  • Comancheria II
  • Outlaw state of mind


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