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Lyambiko sings Gershwin

Auteur(s)Gershwin, George (1898-1937) ;Lyambiko ;Koebberling, Heinrich (Batterie) ;Draganic, Robin (Contrebasse) ;Lowenthal, Marque (Pianos)

Titre(s)Lyambiko sings Gershwin / George Gershwin.

Editeur(s)Sony Bmg Music Entertainment, 2011.

Contient'S wonderful. - It ain't necessarily so. - Love walked in. - Somebody loves me. - I got rhythm. - Nice work if you can get it. - Someone to watch over me. - Let's call the whole thing off. - Summertime. - They all laughed. - Fascinating rhythm. - Who cares?. - I've got a crush on you. - Slap that bass. - How long has this been going on?.



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