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Shrek Le Troisième [Shrek The Third]

Auteur(s)Eels ;Ramones ;Led Zeppelin ;Fergie ;Wings ;White, Matt ;Wolfmother ;Hall, Trevor ;Chapin, Harry ;Gray, Macy ;Murphy, Eddie ;Banderas, Antonio ;Rudolph, Maya ;Everett, Rupert ;Gregson-Williams, Harry ;Miller, Chris ;Hui, Raman

Titre(s)Shrek Le Troisième [Shrek The Third] / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Geffen Records, 2007.

ContientRoyal pain / Eels. - Do you remember rock'n'roll radio ? / Ramones. - Immigrant song / Led Zeppelin. - Barracuda / Ferguson [Fergie] Stacy. - Live and let die / Wings. - Beast days / White Matt. - Joker and the thief / Wolfmother. - Other ways / Hall Trevor. - Cat's in the cradle / Chapin Harry. - Losing streak / Eels. - What I gotta do / Gray Macy. - Thank you (Falletin me be mice elf again) / Murphy Eddie / Banderas Antonio. - Final showdown / Rudolph Maya / Everett Rupert. - Charming's plan / Gregson-Williams Harry.

Indice(s)722 ; 520

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