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Le Blues de Billie Holiday 1946-1959

Auteur(s)Holiday, Billie (1915-1959)

Titre(s)Le Blues de Billie Holiday 1946-1959 / Billie Holiday.

Editeur(s)Polygram, P 1991.


ContientCD 1 : Body and soul. - strange fruit. - trav'lin light. - all of me. - there is no greater love. - I cover the waterfront. - thes foolish things (remind me of you). - tenderly. - autumn in New York. - my man. - stormy weather. - yesterdays. - I got a man crazy for me) he's funny that way. - what a little moonlight can do. - I cried for you. - (now it's your turn to cry over me). - too marvelous for words. - i wished on the moon. - I don't want to cry anymore. - prelude to a kiss. - CD 2 : nice work if you can get it. - come rain or come shine. - what's new. - god bless the child. - do nothin' till you hear from me. - april in paris. - Lady sings the blues. - don't explain. - fine and mellow. - I didn't know what time it was. - stars fell on Alabama. - one for my baby. - gee Baby, ain't I good to you. - lover man (oh where can you be?. - all the way. - don't worry 'bout me.

Sujet(s)Jazz vocal : Phonogramme


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDPrêtéMD325025120071Musique1.3 HOL


Source : Wikipédia
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