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Bayou blues blasters.[Compilation]

Auteur(s)Compilation ;Webster, Katie ;Garlow, Clarence ;Hop Wilson

Titre(s)Bayou blues blasters.[Compilation].

Editeur(s)Ace records, P 1993.

ContientI'm a country boy/I.Jackson. - puty little Dolly/C.Garlow. - Going crazy baby/Guitar Jr. - broke and hungry/Hop Wilson. - make up my mind/Little Bob. - need shorter hours/Lazy Lester with K. Webster and A. Savoy. - it ain't right/Lansome Sundown withC. Garlow. - Just got to (take a)ride/Juke Boy Bonner. - wanna do me wrong/Al Smith. - Tin Pan Alley/J.Wilson. - I got fever/C. Mad Dog sheffield. - lifes's journey/Tal Miller. - honey bee/Left handed Charlie. - Sunday morning/C.Garlow. - trouble in my home/J. Wilson. - oh Ramona/Big Walter Price. - highway back home/E.Anderson. - I'm going/Cookie and the cupcakes. - please stand by me/Carol Fran. - too tired/E.Anderson. - Let me hold your hand/Big Chenier. - what in the world ar you gonna do/K. Webster. - Something working baby/Rockin' Sidney. - pretty little red dress/M. Dugas and Wild Bill's Washboard band. - C-key blues/Little Latour's Sulphur Playboys. - catch that morning train/Thaddus Declouet.

Sujet(s)Blues : Phonogramme


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