
mediatheq lagraulet v2

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West coast vocalists

Auteur(s)Day, Doris ;Fielding, Jane ;Connelly, Peggy ;Carr, Helen ;Faye, Frances ;Southern, Jeri ;Monroe, Marilyn ;London, Julie ;Ethel Azama ;Richards, Ann ;Sommer, Joanie ;Stafford, Jo ;Lee, Peggy ;Whiting, Margaret ;Page, Patti ;Warren, Fran ;Gracen, Thelma ;Bennett, Betty ;Polk, Lucy Ann ;Connor, Chris ;Wood, Gloria ;Nelson, Don ;Baker, Chet ;Price, Ruth ;Dorough, Bob ;Murphy, Mark ;Davis Jr, Sammy ;Troup, Bobby ;Belvin, Jesse ;Crosby, Gary ;Harper, Toni ;Perkins, Tony ;Tormé, Mel ;Dennis, Matt ;Carmichael, Hoagy ;Rivers, Mavis ;Hayes, Cathy ;Albright, Lola ;Lawson, Linda ;Christy, June

Titre(s)West coast vocalists : une révolution en douceur, 1953-1961 / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Frémeaux & Associés, 2016.

ContientSomething cool / June Christy. - I'll take romance / June Christy. - Just the way I am / June Christy. - Blue moon / June Christy. - A hundred years from today / June Christy. - All about Ronnie / Chris Connor. - Swinging on a star / Lucy Ann Polk. - I'm just a lucky so and so / Lucy Ann Polk. - Memphis in june / Lucy Ann Polk. - Treat me rough / Betty Bennett. - More than you know / Thelma Gracen. - Come rain or come shine / Fran Warren. - Here I'll stay / Patti Page. - Let's begin / Margaret Whiting. - So blue / Peggy Lee. - Too late now / Peggy Lee. - Fever / Peggy Lee. - Imagination / Jo Stafford. - I've got the world on a string / Jo Stafford. - Close your eyes / Doris Day. - Nobody's heart / Doris Day. - Yes sir, that's my baby / Ann Richards. - Hey bellboy ! / Gloria Wood. - Cry me a river / Julie London. - You'd be so nice to come home to / Julie London. - Everything happens to me / Julie London. - Sentimental journey / Julie London. - I'm gonna file my claim / Marilyn Monroe. - I hadn't anyone 'til you / Jeri Southern. - Isn't this a lovely day ? / Jeri Southern. - Lazy bones / Jeri Southern. - September in the rain / Frances Faye. - Why do I love you / Helen Carr. - Travl'in light / Peggy Connelly. - Stars didn't fall / Jane Fielding. - River weep / Toni Harper. - Surrey with the fringe on top / Ethel Azama. - Just squeeze me / Joanie Sommer. - Where flamingos fly / Linda Lawson. - Soft sounds / Lola Albright. - My old flame / Cathy Hayes. - Honeysuckle rose / Mavis Rivers. - Candy / Mavis Rivers. - Aren't you glad, you're you / Jackie & Roy. - Shadrack / Ruth Price. - Till the clouds roll by/Look for the silver lining / Ruth Price. - My funny Valentine / Chet Baker. - The thrill is gone / Chet Baker. - That old feeling / Chet Baker. - You don't know what love is / Chet Baker. - A foggy day / Mel Tormé. - Lullaby of birdland / Mel Tormé. - Too darn hot / Mel Tormé. - It happened in Monterey / Mel-Tones (The) / Mel Tormé. - Love is here to stay / Four Freshmen (The). - Two sleepy people / Hoagy Carmichael. - There is a small hotel / Matt Dennis. - Gone with the wind / Don Nelson. - Accidents will happen / Tony Perkins. - Some minor changes / Hi-Lo's (The). - Skylark / Gary Crosby. - Makin' whoopee / Jesse Belvin. - Dinah / Bobby Troup. - Is you is or you ain't my baby / Bobby Troup. - Can't we be friend / Sammy Davis Jr. - Witchcraft / Mark Murphy. - Night and morn' / Bob Dorough. - Dixie / Jackie & Roy.


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