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One in a million : the songs of Sam Dees

Auteur(s)Dees, Sam ;The Chi-Lites ;The Temptations ;L.T.D ;Gladys Knight & The Pips ;Edwards, John ;Moore, Dorothy ;Blake, Corey ;Johnson, Rozetta ;Phillips, Esther ;Taylor, Ted ;Wilson, Jackie ;Carter, Clarence ;Knight, Frederick ;Qualls, Sidney Joe ;Jackson, Millie ;Crumley, Ray ;McCann, Les ;Holloway, Loleatta ;Ward, Anita ;Taylor, Johnnie ;Graham, Larry ;Knight, Gladys

Titre(s)One in a million : the songs of Sam Dees / Sam Dees.

Editeur(s)Ace Records, 2014.

ContientMy world / Sam Dees. - Stop this merry-go-round / John Edwards. - Girl overboard / Dorothy Moore. - Your love is like a boomerang / Corey Blake. - A woman's way / Rozetta Johnson. - Vanishing love [UK remix] / The Chi-Lites. - Cry to me / Esther Phillips. - Standing in the wings of a heartache / Ted Taylor. - Just as soon as the feeling's over / Jackie Wilson. - Changes / Clarence Carter. - I betcha didn't know that / Frederick Knight. - Run to me / Sidney Joe Qualls. - Mess on your hands / Millie Jackson. - Good guys don't always win / Ray Crumley. - So your love finally ran out (For me) / Les McCann. - The show must go on / Loleatta Holloway. - What a way to put it / The Temptations. - Spoiled by your love / Anita Ward. - Where did we go wrong / L.T.D. - Save the overtime (For me) / Gladys Knight & The Pips. - Seconds of your love / Johnnie Taylor. - One in a million you / Larry Graham.

Sujet(s)Soul (musique) Rythm'n blues


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