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Après mai

http://www.gamannecy.com//upload/albums/201304/0887654254726_thumb.jpgGAM CD

Auteur(s)Drake, Nick ;Ayers, Kevin ;Williamson, Robin ;Flynn, Johnny ;Jones, Booker T ;Dr Strangely Strange ;Amazing Blondel ;Incredible String Band ;Tangerine Dream ;Captain Beefheart ;After Me ;Assayas, Olivier ;Barrett, Syd ;The MG's

Titre(s)Après mai / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Sony Music, 2012.

ContientTerrapin / Syd Barrett. - Green onions / Booker T. & The MG's. - Strings in the earth and air / Dr Strangely Strange. - Two dances : Almaine / Bransle for my lady's delight / Amazing Blondel. - Know / Nick Drake. - Air / Incredible String Band. - Sunrise of the third system / Tangerine Dream. - Fantasia lindum / Amazing Blondel. - Decadence / Kevin Ayers. - Abba zaba / Captain Beefheart & Magic Band. - Queen of Scots / Amazing Blondel. - Fare thee well sweet Mally / Robin Williamson. - Ballad of William Worthy / Johnny Flynn. - After me / After Me.


Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com//upload/albums/201304/0887654254726_thumb.jpg

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