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Ace's wild !

http://www.gamannecy.com//upload/albums/201207/5055311001173_thumb.jpgGAM CD

Auteur(s)Ace, Johnny (Pianos) ;Ervin, Frankie ;Dillard, Varetta ;Hayes, Linda (1923 -) ;Forest, Earl (Percussions) ;King, B.B (Auteur d'un dialogue) ;Bland, Bobby ;Parker, Junior (Harmonica) ;Fuller, Johnny (Auteur d'un dialogue) ;Johnny Moore's Three Blazers ;The Rovers ;The Five Wings ;Thornton, Big Mama ;Walker, James (Contrebasse) ;Joyner, George (Contrebasse) ;Murphy, Matt Guitar (Guitare) ;Duncan, Billy ;Otis, Johnny (Percussions) ;The Beale Streeters (Ens. instrumental) ;Otis, Johnny (Donneur de grades)

Titre(s)Ace's wild ! : the complete solo sides and sessions / Johnny Ace.

Editeur(s)Future Noise Music Ltd., 212.

ContientCD 1 ACE R&B STAR : Mid night hours journey. - My song. - Follow the rule. - Angel. - Aces wild. - Cross my heart. - Burley Cutie. - The clock. - Please forgive me. - Saving my love for you. - Yes, baby / Big Mama Thornton. - Still love you so. - Anymore. - So lonely. - You've been gone so long. - Pledging my love. - Never let me go. - Don't you know. - No money. - How can you be so mean. - I'm crazy, baby. - Anymore [Overdubbed]. - Pledging my love [Overdubbed]. - Johnny Ace's last letter / Frankie Ervin / Johnny Moore's Blazers. - Johnny has gone / Varetta Dillard. - Salute to Johnny Ace / The Rovers. - Why, Johnny, Why ? / Linda Hayes / Johnny Moore's Blazers. - Johnny's still singing / The Five Wings. - CD 2 ACE SESSION MUSICIAN : Whole heap of mama / Earl Forest. - Someday, somewhere / B.B. King. - Sad and lonely / Earl Forest. - Shake it up and go / B.B. King. - Rumpus romp / Earl Forest. - My own fault, darlin' / B.B. King. - Trouble and me / Earl Forest. - Gotta find my baby / B.B. King. - I cried / Earl Forest. - I got a gal / B.B. King. - Drifting from town to town [Take 1] / Bobby Bland. - Low down dirty baby / B.B. King. - Love my baby / Bobby Bland / Junior Parker. - I'm so glad / B.B. King. - Drifting from town to town [Take 2] / Bobby Bland. - I wronged a woman / Earl Forest. - IOU blues / Bobby Bland. - I can't forgive you / Earl Forest. - Baby, baby / Earl Forest. - Lovin' blues / Bobby Bland. - Rock the bottle / Earl Forest. - Wise man blues / Bobby Bland. - Pretty Bessie / Earl Forest. - Army blues / Bobby Bland. - Whoopin' and hollerin' / Earl Forest. - No blow, no show / Bobby Bland. - Johnny Ace's last letter / Johnny Fuller.


Lien : http://www.gamannecy.com//upload/albums/201207/5055311001173_thumb.jpg

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