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Feed the flame

Auteur(s)Wiggins, Spencer

Titre(s)Feed the flame : The Fame and XL recordings / Wiggins Spencer.

Editeur(s)Ace Records Ltd., 2010.

ContientI'm at the breaking point. - We gotta make up baby. - This love is gonna be true. - Holding on to a dying love. - You're my kind of woman. - I can't be satisfied. - I'd rather go blind. - Love works that way. - Feed the flame. - Make me yours. - Ooh-be ooh-be-doo. - Take time to love your woman. - Let's talk it over. - I can't get enough of you baby. - Double lovin'. - Love machine. - Love attack. - Hit and run. - Best thing I ever had. - Water. - Love me tonight. - Cry to me.


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