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Prison songs : historical recordings from Parchman Farm, 1947-48, vol.1 "Murderous home"

Titre(s)Prison songs : historical recordings from Parchman Farm, 1947-48, vol.1 "Murderous home" / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Rounder Records Corp., 1997.

Collection(s)(The Alan Lomax Collection).

ContientThe murderer's home / Jimpson & Group. - No more, my Lord / Jimpson & Axe Gang. - Old Alabama / B.B. & Group. - Black woman / B.B. & Group. - Jumpin' Judy / Tangle Eye / Fuzzy Red. - Whoa buck / C.B. - Prettiest train / "22". - Old dollar Mamie / "22". - It makes a long time man feel bad / "22". - Rosie / C.B. - Levee camp holler / Bama. - What makes a work song leader ? (interview) / Bama. - Early in the mornin' / Little Red / Tangle Eye. - How I got in the penitentiary (interview) / Bama. - Tangle Eye blues / Tangle Eye. - Stackerlee / Bama. - Prison blues / Alex.

Sujet(s)Etats-Unis : musique


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