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Own the night

Auteur(s)Lady Antebellum (Musicien)

Titre(s)Own the night [Enregistrement sonore] / Lady Antebellum, trio voc. et instr.

Editeur(s)Capitol records : distrib. EMI music France, P 2011.

ContientWe owned the night (3 min 17 s). - Just a kiss (3 min 34 s). - Dancin' away with my heart (3 min 52 s). - Friday night (2 min 57 s). - When you were mine (4 min 53 s). - Cold as stone (4 min 47 s). - Singing me home (3 min 52 s). - Wanted you more (4 min 02 s). - As you turn away (3 min 55 s). - Love I've found in you (3 min 53 s). - Somewhere love remains (4 min 51 s). - Heart of the world (3 min 44 s). - Need you now. - We owned the night. - Just a kiss. - Dancin' away with my heart. - Friday night. - When you were mine. - Cold as stone. - Singing me home. - Wanted you more. - As you turn away. - Love I've found in you. - Somewhere love remains. - Heart of the world. - Need you now [acoustic].

NotesProd. : Capitol records, P 2011. - Texte des chansons. - Détail du personnel.

Sujet(s)Folk, country Musiques traditionnelles Rock, pop Rock Country rock (musique)

Indice(s)2.32 ; 2.20 ; 2

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonFLEURANCE0112430132Musique2 LAD
CDEn rayonMGA50168092 LAD 32


Source : Wikipédia
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