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Fullmetal Alchemist 2

Auteur(s)Arakawa, Hiromu (1973-...) (Auteur) (Illustrateur)

Titre(s)Fullmetal Alchemist 2 / Hiromu Arakawa.

Editeur(s)Viz media, 2011.

RésuméThere are many types of alchemy in the world. Edward's commanding officer, "Flame Alchemist" Roy Mustang, can control fire. Shou Tucker, the "Sewing-Life Alchemist," specializes in the most difficult alchemy of all...biological transmutation, the ability to alter the tissue of living things. But no matter what their power, alchemists are still human. And when a mysterious killer begins stalking state alchemists, no one can escape his vengence...

Série : Fullmetal Alchemist. Vol 2.

Indice(s)895.6 ; AN BD

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LivreEn rayonMD323429940071MangaAN BD ARA
*LivreEn rayonMIRANDE00256000046530MangaBD ARA


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