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Let me tell you about the blues : Detroit

Auteur(s)Frazier, Calvin ;Pittman, Sampson ;Richard, Robert ;Detroit Count ;Mitchell, Walter ;Pickens, Slim ;Cotton, Sylvester ;Battle, Joe Von ;Hooker, John Lee ;Taylor, James ;Dunham, Andrew ;Baby Boy Warren ;John Brim Combo ;Merriweather, Big Maceo ;Kirkland, Eddie ;Burns, Eddie ;Henry, Robert ;Green, L.C ;Louisiana Red ;Kelly, Sam ;Howard, Johnny ;Brim, John ;Smith, Henry ;One String Sam ;Washboard Willie ;Williams, Paul ;Moore, Wild Bill ;Fowler, T.J ;Slay, Emmit ;Stevenson, Kitty ;Baker, LaVern ;Wilson, Sonny ;Maurice King & His Wolverines ;The Kool Kats ;Adams, Alberta ;Hill Jr, Harvey ;Joe Weaver & His Blue Notes ;Roberts, Gip Sandman ;Hall, Lena

Titre(s)Let me tell you about the blues : Detroit / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Fantastic Voyage, 2010.

ContientCD 1 : She's a double crossing woman / Calvin Frazier. - Highway 61 blues / Sampson Pittman. - Cadillac woman / Robert Richard. - Hastings street opera [part 1] / Detroit Count. - Stop messin' around / Walter Mitchell. - Notoriety woman / Slim Pickens. - Root hog / Robert Richard. - Pet milk / Walter Mitchell. - Sak-revolution blues / Sylvester Cotton. - Lookin' for my woman / Joe Von Battle. - Hastings street opera [part 2] / Detroit Count. - Ugly woman blues / Sylvester Cotton. - Henry's swing club / John Lee Hooker. - Little bitty woman / James Taylor. - Sweet Lucy / Andrew Dunham. - My special friend blues / Baby Boy Warren. - Stormy weather blues / Sylvester Cotton. - Strange man / John Brim Combo. - Worried life blues N°2 / Big Maceo. - Hattie Mae / Andrew Dunham. - Without you my life don't mean a thing / Big Maceo. - Never satisfied / John Lee Hooker. - That's all right / Eddie Kirkland. - Mean man blues / John Brim Combo. - Where did you stay last night / Eddie Burns. - CD 2 : I'm in the mood / John Lee Hooker. - It's time for lovin' to be done / Eddie Kirkland. - Old battle ax / Robert Henry. - 38 pistol blues / L.C. Green. - I'm a boogie man / John Lee Hooker. - Sugar cane highway / Playboy Fuller. - Hello Miss Jessie Lee / Eddie Burns. - Hastings street boogie / L.C. Green. - Gonna play my guitar / Playboy Fuller. - Dealing with the devil / Eddie Burns. - No shoes / Eddie Kirkland. - Ramblin' around blues / Sam Kelly. - Goin' down to the river blues / L.C. Green. - Sanafee (not welcome anymore) / Baby Boy Warren. - Natural man blues / Johnny Howard. - Bus driver / John Brim. - Hello stranger / Baby Boy Warren. - Good rockin' mama / Henry Smith. - Dark night blues / Johnny Howard. - Lonesome blues / Henry Smith. - Chicken / Baby Boy Warren. - I need a $100.00 / One String Sam. - Washboard blues [part 1] / Washboard Willie. - Rock house / Calvin Frazier. - My baby ooo / One String Sam. - CD 3 : Thirty-five-thirty / Paul Williams. - We're gonna rock / Wild Bill Moore. - T.J. boogie / T.J. Fowler. - The hucklebuck / Paul Williams. - Red hot blues / T.J. Fowler. - Little Tillie Willie / Detroit Count. - Looky ploot / Emmit Slay. - Burnt toast / Wild Bill Moore. - It ain't right / Kitty Stevenson. - Beulah / Emmit Slay. - I want to rock / Little Miss Sharecropper. - The rainy day blues / Sonny Wilson. - I feel so good / Maurice King & His Wolverines. - That's the best I can do for you blues / The Kool Kats. - I want a lavender cadillac / Maurice King & his Wolverines. - Got nobody to tell my troubles to / Calvin Frazier. - Say baby say / T.J. Fowler / Alberta Adams. - She fool me / Harvey Hill Jr. - Little baby child / Calvin Frazier. - Remember / Alberta Adams. - J.B. boogie / Joe Weaver & His Blue Notes. - I do like I please / John Lee Hooker. - No one monkey goin' to run my show / Gip (Sandman) Roberts. - Five long years / Lena Hall. - No more doggin' / John Lee Hooker.

Sujet(s)Blues (musique)


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