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Dirty laundry : The soul of black country

Auteur(s)Washington, Ella ;Simon, Joe ;Powell, Bobby ;Alexander, Arthur ;Staton, Candi ;Lavette, Bettye ;Shelton, Roscoe ;Edwards, Stoney ;Brown, Clarence Gatemouth (1924-2005) ;Gaines, Earl ;James, Etta ;Womack, Bobby ;Adams, Johnny ;Swann, Bettye ;North, Freddie ;Williams, Otis ;Jonz, Bobby ;Williams, Andre ;2 Star Tabernacle ;The Pointer Sisters ;Purify, Bobby ;Purify, James ;Brown, James ;Hobbs, Willie ;Mayfield, Curtis ;Burke, Solomon

Titre(s)Dirty laundry : The soul of black country / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Trikont, 2004.

ContientHe called me baby / Washington Ella. - Chokin' kind / Simon Joe. - Your cheating heart / Powell Bobby. - Love's where life begins / Alexander Arthur. - Stand by your man / Staton Candi. - What condition my condition is in / Lavette Bettye. - There's a heartbreak somewhere / Shelton Roscoe. - She's my rock / Edwards Stoney. - Mama mambo / Brown Clarence "Gatemouth". - You are my sunshine / Gaines Earl. - Almost persuaded / James Etta. - Bouquet of roses / Womack Bobby. - In a moment of weakness / Adams Johnny. - Just because you can't be mine / Swann Bettye. - Don't take her she's all I got / North Freddie. - Shutters & boards / Williams Otis. - Snap your fingers / Jonz Bobby. - Jet black daddy Lilly white mama / Williams Andre / 2 Star Tabernacle. - Fairy tale / The Pointer Sisters. - Sixteen tons / Purify James / Purify Bobby. - Your cheating heart / Brown James. - Till I get it right / Hobbs Willie. - Dirty laundry / Mayfield Curtis. - I can't stop loving you / Burke Solomon.


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