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The best of the EMI years, 1963 - 1967

Auteur(s)Manfred Mann

Titre(s)The best of the EMI years, 1963 - 1967 / Manfred Mann.

Editeur(s)Emi Music, 1993.

ContientDo wah diddy diddy. - Cock-a-hoop. - I've got my mojo working. - Sticks and stones. - 5-4-3-2-1. - Why should we not. - I'm your kingpin. - Without you. - I put a spell on you. - Hubble bubble (Toil and trouble). - Dashing away with a smoothing iron. - Sha la la. - I can't believe what you say. - The one in the middle. - Watermelon man. - With God on our side. - Come tomorrow. - I think it's gonna work out fine. - She. - Oh no not my baby. - My little red book (All I do is talk about you). - Come home baby. - Pretty flamingo. - If you gotta go, go now. - Tired of trying, bored with lying, scared of dying. - Ther's no living without your loving. - You gave me somebody to love. - 5-4-3-2-1 (ready steady go theme). - Do wah diddy diddy.

Sujet(s)Pop (musique)

Indice(s)2.22 ; 2.20

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CDEn rayonMGA50147362 MAN 22


Source : Wikipédia
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