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Creative outlaws : U.S. underground 1962 - 1970

Auteur(s)Hendrix, Jimi ;Lothar & The Hand People ;Tiny Tim ;Captain Beefheart ;Country Joe And The Fish ;McDonald, Country Joe ;Moondog ;The Godz ;MC5 ;The Fugs ;Exuma ;Blue Cheer ;Silverstein, Shel ;Pearls Before Swine ;West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band ;The Holy Modal Rounders ;The Kaleidoscope ;Slick, Grace ;The Great Society ;Rose, Tim ;Canned Heat ;Chamber Brothers ;Simone, Nina (1933-2003) ;The Stooges

Titre(s)Creative outlaws : U.S. underground 1962 - 1970 / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Trikont, 2005.

ContientStar spangled banner / Hendrix Jimi. - Machines / Lothar & The Hand People. - Tip toe through the tulips / Highway to hell / Tim Tiny. - Dachau blues / Captain Beefheart. - I feel like I'm fixin' to die / McDonald Country Joe / The Fish. - On Broadway / Moondog. - Turn on / The Godz. - Kick out the jams / MC5. - The garden is open / The Fugs. - You don't know what's going on / Exuma. - Summertime blues / Blue Cheer. - Have another expresso / Silverstein Shel. - Uncle John / Pearls Before Swine. - Suppose they give a war and no one comes / West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band. - Cocaïne blues / The Holy Modal Rounders. - Keep your mind open / Kaleidoscope. - Somebody to love / Slick Grace / The Great Society. - Hey Joe / Rose Tim. - Sic'em pigs / Canned Heat. - Time has come to love / Chamber Brothers. - Mississippi goddam / Simone Nina. - 1969 / The Stooges.

Sujet(s)Rock psychédélique (musique)

Indice(s)2.00 ; 2.41

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