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Studio One Funk : the original

Auteur(s)Brooks, Cedric "Im" ;Ellis, Alton ;Pablove Black ;Williams, Lloyd ;Mittoo, Jackie ;Prince Francis ;Arab, Lee ;Soul Bros ;Prince Moonie ;Im and Sound Dimension ;Sibbles, Leroy ;The Sharks ;Underground Vegetables ;Russell, Devon "Soul" ;Gordon, Vin ;Richards, Roy ;Wilson, Delroy

Titre(s)Studio One Funk : the original / Collectif.

Editeur(s)12 Ingestre Place) : Soul Jazz Records, 2004.

ContientShaft / Cedric Im Brooks. - African desendents / Ellis Alton. - Poco tempo / Pablove Black. - Reggae feet / Williams Lloyd. - Hand em high / Mittoo Jackie. - idleberg / Cedric Im Brooks. - Beat down Babylon / Prince Francis. - Now / Arab Lee. - 007 / Soul Bros. - See a man's face / Prince Moonie. - Love Jah / Im and Sound Dimension. - Do your thing / Sibbles Leroy. - Music answer / The Sharks. - Melting pot / Underground Vegetables. - You found heaven / Russell Devon "Soul". - Steady beat / Gordon Vin. - It's a shame / Ellis Alton. - Another thing / Richards Roy. - Funky Broadway / Wilson Delroy.

Sujet(s)Reggae (musique)


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