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In progress & in motion : 1965 - 1998

Auteur(s)Mahal, Taj (Auteur d'un dialogue) ;The Pointer Sisters (Ens. vocal)

Titre(s)In progress & in motion : 1965 - 1998 / Mahal Taj.

Editeur(s)Sony Music, 1998.

ContientCD 1 : You're gonna need somebody on your bond. - Corrina. - Checkin'up on my baby. - Leavin' trunk. - Buck dancer's choice (traditionnel). - Going up to the country, paint my mailbox blue. - She caught the Katy & left me a mule to ride. - Ain't gwine whistle dixie (Any mo'). - Stagger Lee. - Built for comfort. - Natural man. - Railroad Bill. - Texas woman blues. - Early in the morning. - Dust my broom. - Blind boy rag. - CD 2 : Oh, Susanna. - Cakewalk into town. - Fishin' blues (live with The Pointer Sisters) / The Pointer Sisters. - Nobody's business but my own (live with The Pointer Sisters) / The Pointer Sisters. - Sweet mama Janisse. - Little red hen blues (live with The Pointer Sisters) / The Pointer Sisters. - Mary don't you weep (traditionnel ; live with The Pointer Sisters) / The Pointer Sisters. - Sweet home Chicago (live with The Pointer Sisters) / The Pointer Sisters. - Frankie & Albert (with The Pointer Sisters) / The Pointer Sisters. - M'banjo. - Statesboro blues. - Bye & bye. - Six days on the road. - We gonna rock. - Ain't it funky now. - Tom & Sally Drake. - Fishin' blues. - Blues with a feeling. - Freight train.

Sujet(s)Blues (musique)


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