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Titre(s)Comeblack [CD] / Scorpions.

Editeur(s)Sony Bmg Music Entertainment, 2011.

ContientRhythm of love. - No one like you. - Zoo (The). - Rock you like a hurricane. - Blackout. - Wind of change. - Still loving you. - Tainted love. - Children of the revolution. - Across the universe. - Tin soldier. - All day and all of the night. - Ruby tuesday. - Rhythm of love. - No one like you. - The zoo. - Rock you like a hurricane. - Blackout. - Wind of change. - Still loving you. - Tainted love. - Children of the revolution. - Across the universe. - Tin soldier. - All day and all of the night. - Ruby tuesday. - Still loving you - Je t'aime encore.

Sujet(s)Hard rock Hard rock (musique)

Indice(s)2.51 ; 2.5

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonMD325195780071Musique2.5 SCO
CDEn rayonMGA50168112 SCO 51


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