

  M É D I A G E R S


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Auteur(s)Feist (1976-...) (Chanteur) (Musicien) (Musicien)

Titre(s)Metals / Feist.

Editeur(s)Universal Polydor, P 2011.

ContientThe bad in each other (4 min 44 s). - Graveyard (4 min 17 s). - Caught a long wind (4 min 54 s). - How come you never go there (3 min 24 s). - A commotion (3 min 53 s). - The circle married the line (3 min 22 s). - Bittersweet melodies (3 min 56 s). - Anti-pioneer (5 min 33 s). - Undiscovered first (4 min 58 s). - Cicadas and gulls (3 min 16 s). - Comfort me (4 min 03 s). - Get it wrong, get it right (3 min 39 s). - The bad in each other. - Graveyard. - Caught a long wind. - How come you never go there. - A commotion. - The circle married the line. - Bittersweet melodies. - Anti-pioneer. - Undiscovered first. - Cicadas and gulls. - Comfort me. - Get it wrong, get it right.

NotesEnregistrement : (Etats-Unis), 20110215 - 20110317. - Prod. : Polydor France, P 2011. - Texte des chansons.

Sujet(s)Rock, pop Rock

Indice(s)2.31 ; 2.24

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonSAINT-CLAR5193030071Musique2.2 FEI
CDEn rayonFLEURANCE00132000006651Musique2 FEI
CDEn rayonMGA50175132 FEI 31


Source : Wikipédia
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