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Downtown abbey

https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/202002/0602508173455_thumb.jpgGAM CD

Auteur(s)Lunn, John (Compositeur) ;Engler, Michael (Réalisateur de film)

Titre(s)Downtown abbey : bande originale du film de Michael Engler / John Lunn, comp. ; Michael Engler, real.

Editeur(s)Universal Music : Decca Records, 2019.

ContientA royal command. - Pillar of the establishment. - Gleam and sparkle. - God is a monarchist. - Two households. - Incident at a parade. - Sabotage. - Maud. - Honour restored. - Never seen anything like it. - Not entirely a bad night. - May I ?. - Taking leave. - Resolution. - You are the best of me. - Sunset waltz. - One hundred years of downton.

NotesBande originale du film adapté de la série télévisée.


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/202002/0602508173455_thumb.jpg

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