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Steppin' [= Stomp the yard]

Auteur(s)White, Sylvain ;E.40 ;The Federation ;The Pack ;Brown, Chris ;Ne-Yo ;Ghostface Killah ;Unk ;Huey ;Al Kapone ;Bone Crusher ;Onslaught ;Public Enemy ;Cut Chemist ;Mr. Lif ;Edan ;The Roots ;Malik B ;Porn ;Randolph, Robert ;The Family Band ;R.E.D. 44

Titre(s)Steppin' [= Stomp the yard] / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Artists Addiction Records, 2007.

ContientGo hard or go home / E-40 / The Federation. - Vans / The Pack. - Poppin' / Chris Brown. - Sign me up / Ne-Yo. - The champ / Ghostface Killah. - Walk it out / Unk. - Pop, lock & drop it / Huey. - The deepest hood / Al Kapone [aka Kapeezy]. - Come on / Bonecrusher / Onslaught. - Supermixx's black in the building / Public Enemy. - Storm / Cut Chemist / Edan / Mr. Lif. - In the music / The Roots / Malik B. / Porn. - Ain't nothing wrong with that / Robert Randolph & The Family Band. - Bounce wit me / R.E.D. 44.

Sujet(s)Rap (musique)

Indice(s)520 ; 2.91

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CDEn rayonMGA5015853520 STE


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