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Jazz guitarist

Auteur(s)Distel, Sacha (Guitare) ;Byers, Billy (Trombone) ;Jaspar, Bobby (Saxophones) ;Fol, Hubert (Saxophones) ;Urtreger, René (Pianos) ;Michelot, Pierre (Contrebasse) ;Reilles, Baptiste "Mac-Kac" (Batterie) ;Hulin, Bernard (Trompette) ;Le Sénéchal, Raymond (Orgues) ;Clarke, Kenny (Batterie) ;Hampton, Slide (Trombone) ;Slide Hampton big band ;Vadim, Roger

Titre(s)Jazz guitarist / Distel Sacha.

Editeur(s)Universal Music, 2003.

Collection(s)(Gitanes jazz productions. Jazz in Paris).

ContientJAZZ D'AUJOURD'HUI, Paris, 1956 : Olympia orgy. - On serait des chats. - Round about midnight. - N° 1 for Sacha. - Thanks Bill. - Avec ces yeux-là. - A piece of pizza. - Blues for Tiny. - BOBBY JASPAR & SACHA DISTEL QUINTETTE, Paris, 1957 : Scotch bop. - Everything happens to me. - Competition. - Sacha, Bill and Bobby. - No sad song for Sacha. - Stop and go. - HUBERT FOL & SACHA DISTEL QUINTETTE, Appollo-Théâtre, Paris, 1954 : Half Nelson. - I'll remember April. - LES 7 PECHES CAPITAUX, L'ORGUEIL, Paris 1961 [B.O.F.] : Marina / Roger Vadim. - Blue waltz de l'orgueil. - BACK TO JAZZ WITH SLIDE HAMPTON, Paris et Londres, 1968 : Felicidade. - The good life. - The girl from Ipanema. - Francine. - Bird. - Living room. - Who can tell me why ?. - Saki.

Sujet(s)Cool (jazz)


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