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Retrospective 1940-1953

Auteur(s)Parker, Charlie (1920-1955)

Titre(s)Retrospective 1940-1953 / Charlie Parker.

Editeur(s)saga, P 2005.

ContientCD 1, 1940 - 1947 : Swingmatism / Jay McShann and His Orchestra. - Hootie blues. - Tiny's tempo / Tiny Grimes Quintet. - Groovin' high / Dizzy Gillespie Sextet. - All the things you are. - Dizzy atmosphere. - Salt peanuts / Dizzy Gillespie and His All Stars. - Shaw 'Nuff. - Hot house. - Hallelujah / Red Norvo and His Selected Sextet. - Slam Slam blues. - Congo blues. - Billie's bounce / Charlie Parker's Reboppers. - Ko Ko. - Slim's jam / Slim Gaillard and His Orchestra. - Yardbird suite / Charlie Parker Septet. - Ornithology. - A night in Tunisia [contient le break d'alto]. - The famous alto break. - Cool blues / Charlie Parker Quartet. - Bird's nest. - Relaxin' at Camarillo / Charlie Parker's New Stars. - Chasin' the Bird / Charlie Parker All Stars. - Honeysuckle rose / Body and soul [Charlie Parker solo]. - CD 2, 1947 - 1951 : Donna Lee / Charlie Parker All Stars. - Milestones / Miles Davis All Stars. - Little Willie Leaps. - The hymn / Charlie Parker Quintet. - Scrapple from the Apple. - My old flame. - Don't blame me. - Bongo beep / Charlie Parker Sextet. - How deep is the ocean ?. - Bird gets the worm / Charlie Parker All Stars. - Barbados. - Ah-Leu-Cha. - Parker's mood. - Perhaps. - Marmaduke. - Visa / Charlie Parker Septet. - April in Paris / Charlie Parker with strings. - Bloomdido / Charlie Parker Quintet. - Leap frog. - Out of nowhere / Charlie Parker with strings. - Star eyes. - My little Suede shoes / Charlie Parker's Jazzers. - Lover man / Charlie Parker Quintet. - CD 3, 1947 - 1953, BROADCASTS AND LIVE : Ko Ko / Dizzy Gillespie Quintet. - Hot house / Charlie Parker All Stars. - On a slow boat to China / Charlie Parker All Stars. - Confirmation / Charlie Parker All Stars. - Embraceable you / Jazz at the Philharmonic / Eldridge Roy. - Cheryl / Charlie Parker Quintet. - Bird of paradise. - Blue'n'Boogie / Charlie Parker All Stars. - Anthropology. - Round midnight. - Lester leaps in. - Cool blues / Charlie Parker Quintet. - QUINTET OF THE YEAR, Concert at Massey Hall : Salt peanuts. - Wee. - Au Privave. - CD 1 : 1940-1947 : swingmation. - groovin' heigh. - Byllie's bounce. - ornitology. - CD 2 1947-51 : Donna Lee. - scrapple from apple. - bird gets worm. - marmeduke. - Cd 3 : 1947-1953 : Ko Ko. - on a slow boat in China.

Sujet(s)Saxophone : Jazz : Phonogramme Jazz be-bop

Indice(s)1.40 ; 100

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CDEn rayonMD325015530071Musique1 PAR
CDEn rayonMDC50119281 PAR 40


Source : Wikipédia
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