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You could have it so much better

Auteur(s)Franz Ferdinand

Titre(s)You could have it so much better / Franz Ferdinand.

Editeur(s)Domino, P 2005.

ContientThe fallen. - Do you want to. - This boy. - Walk away. - Evil and a heathen. - You're the reason I'm leaving. - Eleanor put your boots on. - Well that was easy. - What you meant. - I'm your villain. - You could have it so much better. - Fade together. - Outsiders. - do you wnat to this boys.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Rock : Phonogramme Pop-rock (musique)

Indice(s)2.21 ; 2.2

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CDEn rayonSARAMON5208790071Musique2.2 FRA
CDEn rayonMGA50121762 FRA 21


Source : Wikipédia
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