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The best of Nat King Cole Trio : the vocal classics 1942-1946

Auteur(s)Cole, Nat King (1917-1965) ;King Cole trio

Titre(s)The best of Nat King Cole Trio : the vocal classics 1942-1946 / Nat King Cole.

Editeur(s)Capitol records, P 1996.

ContientAll for you. - straighten up and fly right. - gee baby ain't good to you. - if you can's smile and say yes. - sweet Lorraine. - embraceable you. - it's only a paper moon. - I realize now. - I'm a shy guy. - you're nobody 'til somebody loves you. - what can I say after I say I'm sorry. - I'm thru with love. - come to baby, do. - the frim from sauce. - how does it feel. - get your kicks on. - baby baby all the time. - but she's my buddy's chick. - you call it madness. - the best man. - I love you for sentimental reasons. - you're the cream of my coffee.

Sujet(s)Piano : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325011120071Musique1.3 NAT


Source : Wikipédia
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