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The President plays with the Oscar Peterson trio

Auteur(s)Young, Lester (1909-1959) ;Oscar Peterson Trio ;Peterson, Oscar (1925-2007) (p) ;Brown, Ray (1926-2002) (cb)

Titre(s)The President plays with the Oscar Peterson trio / Lester Young.

Editeur(s)Polygram, P 1959.


ContientAd lib blues. - just you just me. - tea for two. - Indiana. - these foolish things. - I can't get started. - stardust. - on the sunny side of the street. - almost like being in love. - I can't give you anything but love. - there will never be anther you. - I'm confessin'. - it takes two to tango.

Sujet(s)Saxophone : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonVILLECOMTAL-SUR-ARROS5024840071Musique1 YOU


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