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Basin street blues

Auteur(s)Armstrong, Louis (1901-1971) ;Louis Armstrong' all stars

Titre(s)Basin street blues / Louis Armstrong' All Stars.

Editeur(s)Phonoco international, P 1989.

Collection(s)(black Lion).

Contientoverture. - summertime. - I wants to stay here. - my man's gone now. - I got plenty O' Nuttin. - buzzard song. - Bess, you is my women now. - it ain't necessarily so. - what you want wild Bess?. - a woman is a sometime thing. - oh Doctor Jesus. - Medley : here come De honey man, crab man, Oh Dey's so fresh and fine (stawberry woman). - there's a boat da't leavin'soon for New-York. - Bess oh wheree's my Bess?. - oh Lawd, I'm on my way. - When it's sleepy time down South. - Indiana. - the gypdy. - basin street blues. - tiger rag. - struttin' with some barbecue. - do you know what it means to miss New Orleans. - on the sunny side of the street. - black and blue. - when the saints go marching in. - you can depend on me. - baby it's cold outside. - mahogany all stomp.

Sujet(s)Voix : Jazz- phonogramme


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